Christians out there, hold on to your hats and your cross necklaces, Alex is writing about gay marriage.
In continuation about the Arkansas Presbytery meeting....
Back in June in Detroit, the Presbyterian Church USA General Assembly re-wrote and passed the following addition to the PCUSA policy. Since it is a change to the Book of Order, part of the "Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA)" It needs to be ratified by a majority of presbyteries before it takes effect. That is why Presbytery of Arkansas was voting on it this weekend.
This website has info on the denomination's summary of the proposed policy change and additional resources.
Here is the actual text:
Amend W-4.9000 by striking the current text and replacing it with the following: [Text to be added or inserted is shown in italic.]
“Marriage is a gift God has given to all humankind for the well-being of the entire human family. Marriage involves a unique commitment between two people, traditionally a man and a woman, to love and support each other for the rest of their lives. The sacrificial love that unites the couple sustains them as faithful and responsible members of the church and the wider community.
“In civil law, marriage is a contract that recognizes the rights and obligations of the married couple in society. In the Reformed tradition, marriage is also a covenant in which God has an active part, and which the community of faith publicly witnesses and acknowledges.
“If they meet the requirements of the civil jurisdiction in which they intend to marry, a couple may request that a service of Christian marriage be conducted by a teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), who is authorized, though not required, to act as an agent of the civil jurisdiction in recording the marriage contract. A couple requesting a service of Christian marriage shall receive instruction from the teaching elder, who may agree to the couple’s request only if, in the judgment of the teaching elder, the couple demonstrate sufficient understanding of the nature of the marriage covenant and commitment to living their lives together according to its values. In making this decision, the teaching elder may seek the counsel of the session, which has authority to permit or deny the use of church property for a marriage service.
“The marriage service shall be conducted in a manner appropriate to this covenant and to the forms of Reformed worship, under the direction of the teaching elder and the supervision of the session (W-1.4004–.4006). In a service of marriage, the couple marry each other by exchanging mutual promises. The teaching elder witnesses the couple’s promises and pronounces God’s blessing upon their union. The community of faith pledges to support the couple in upholding their promises; prayers may be offered for the couple, for the communities that support them, and for all who seek to live in faithfulness.
“A service of worship recognizing a civil marriage and confirming it in the community of faith may be appropriate when requested by the couple. The service will be similar to the marriage service except that the statements made shall reflect the fact that the couple is already married to one another according to the laws of the civil jurisdiction.”
“Nothing herein shall compel a teaching elder to perform nor compel a session to authorize the use of church property for a marriage service that the teaching elder or the session believes is contrary to the teaching elder’s or the session’s discernment of the Holy Spirit and their understanding of the Word of God.”
(you can download a full copy of the Proposed Ammendments here:
Here is Alex's summary of the change in marriage policy:
If this amendment takes effect: the definition of marriage is changed from "a man and woman" to "two people, traditionally a man and a woman." So in state's where same-sex marriage is legal, Presbyterian ministers can preside over weddings, and/or Presbyterian churches can host same sex marriage weddings.
This does not take away the right of a Presbyterian pastor to refuse to do the wedding. And it does not take away the right for a session to prevent a wedding from taking place at the church property. Pastors have ALWAYS been able to refuse to do a wedding--Pastor Steve at 2nd Pres once refused to marry a man who showed up drunk, and then happily did the wedding the following day when he sobered up.
Sessions have ALWAYS been able to use their power of controlling what happens at the church to prevent or allow a wedding to take place on the church property. That does not change.
Basically it says this is now ok. Please note THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IS
NOT FORCING ANY PRESBYTERIAN TO MARRY A SAME-SEX COUPLE OR HOST A SAME-SEX WEDDING AT YOUR CHURCH. It says you can as a pastor, you can as a session, or you can still choose not to like you always have been able to do.
Seems it's about as good a job you can do to please everybody.
I have seen this issue lead churches who disagree to leave the denomination. That makes me sad. I would like to suggest that for the churches who feel this is reason to leave such an active denomination that is mentoring me in work for Environmental Justice, and Food Justice please consider the great works of this church body. This is also a denomination that is very active in building the kingdom of God through
PDA after disasters,
Living Waters for the World providing clean drinking water, and has mission co-workers like Paul and Mary advocating for the poor and oppressed
ALL OVER THE WORLD. This is no reason to leave the larger denomination. We all believe the body of Christ is made of many different parts with different gifts, different opinions, different preferences on who to marry. We can't all be toes, we can't all be hands, or ears. Yet we still need all the toes, hands, and ears attached to the body. We still need each other to be the body of Christ to the world. Please don't go. I'd love to keep you involved on my team in the AWESOME work this denomination is doing. Have you seen the Presbyterian Mission Agency website? That is where all the stuff that makes me proud to be a Presbyterian is happening! Churches combating
serious mental illness, the root causes of poverty and
hunger, YAVs and churches loving the
folks in the desert at our southern border, the
office of public witness! And that's not it! This is probably the denomination who set you up with your first mission trip to see that not everyone has it as good as you do and life is different for most people. PCUSA has so much good stuff going on. Please ask me about it! This is the work that kept me involved in Christianity at a time when I had a clear path to athiesm with some friends. If you can agree with any of those ministries please stay with us. We can learn from you too. Really I mean it. It hurts to hear you have left or you want to leave.
Here is some debate from the Arkansas Presbytery meeting
One man said the amendment conflicts with previous definitions of marriage in our
Book of Confessions. Good point, it makes us contradictory in what we say we believe. There are lots of places where we would be contradicting our current "beliefs" Those are listed here:
One man cited part of the confession of 1967 reminding us that scripture is to be interpreted for what it means in our time not just what it meant when it was written.
"The Bible is to be interpreted in the light of its witness to God’s work
of reconciliation in Christ. The Scriptures, given under the guidance of
the Holy Spirit, are nevertheless the words of men, conditioned by the
language, thought forms, and literary fashions of the places and times at
which they were written. They reflect views of life, history, and the cosmos
which were then current. The church, therefore, has an obligation to
approach the Scriptures with literary and historical understanding. As
God has spoken his word in diverse cultural situations, the church is confident
that he will continue to speak through the Scriptures in a changing
world and in every form of human culture.
God’s word is spoken to his church today where the Scriptures are
faithfully preached and attentively read in dependence on the illumination
of the Holy Spirit and with readiness to receive their truth and
direction.---From the Confession of 1967: 9.29 and 9.30.
One man agreed that the church should be a leader in offering the benefits and blessings of marriage to all committed loving relationships but would vote against this amendment because of the line in the third paragraph " if they meet the requirements of the civil jurisdiction in which they intend to marry..." He was disappointed that it indicated the church was following behind in the progress of the state on a justice issue that the church should be leading regardless of the state's civil laws. I mean he's right in a way. The church and God's people in our call to provide justice to the widow, orphan, and oppressed among us shouldn't wait for the US government or state government to show love, equality and acceptance, should we? The church should be a prophetic witness to the gospel independent of what the state says, right?
Historically Second Presbyterian of Little Rock was one of the only churches to support integration during all the mess at central high school in 1957, primarily due to the leadership of the pastor Dr. Boggs. University of the Ozarks, a Presbyterian college where this week's meeting was held, claims the first college in Arkansas to integrate sports. I could feel those undertones in this man's opinion.
After the debate and before the vote, one commissioner asked they briefly stop for prayer that the Holy Spirit guide our decisions. He also asked for prayer afterwards for peace, healing, and for God to work in the actions of the body.--My favorite part is that prayer and worship services are scattered throughout church government gatherings.
Here is Saturday's vote on the Marriage Amendment
YAADs voted 25 Yes, 2 No
Commissioners voted 93 Yes, 25 No, 2 Abstain
The amendment passed
Here is the condition of same-sex marriage in the state of Arkansas politically
Basically it's a battle between the courts. At least two local courts have ruled the state's ban in same sex marriage is unconstiturional and for a week after
May 9 2014 a Pulaski Co. Judge rulled a ban on same sex-marriage is unconstitutional.and same sex marriages were legal until the state supreme court issued a stay on the decision on May 16. In that one week when it was legal in Arkansas, almost 600 same sex couples were married!!!!
also November 2014 a district court judge in Little Rock ruled that a ban on same-sex marriage in Arkansas was unconstitutional denying equal protection under the law to three gay couples.
In December 2014 the state of Arkansas filed an appeal so the previous ruling was suspended until the 8th circuit court makes a decision. No decision was made in December and it was deferred to the next session in January when the new court was sworn in.
As of February 2015 no ruling has been made on the appeal, but on Valentines Day, another lawyer sued the state because some of the marriages from the week of May 9 2014 were not being upheld in the state.
The circuit court has not made a decision. So Hear Ye Hear Ye. Arkansas Presbytery voted to allow same-sex marriages within the church before the state has made a final decision on it. Prophetic witness? You tell me...
Nationally it is already legal in 37 states and seems it will be legal everywhere in the next few years. A friend pointed out this is one of the fastest turn-arounds on a civil rights/equality policy in the last century!
Here's what I think:
I have come a long way on this issue since I first heard about it in college where the question was to allow ordination of openly LGBT individuals in the infamous
"Ammendment 10-A" Back then I thought if the rule is that if gay people can't be ordained as elders or pastors, they should follow the rule.
I soon learned a good role model who directed a Jesus-related play my parents did was gay. Some of the people I met in college are LGBTQ. They were very effective leaders I'd met and worked with at different college ministries, and were great to work with. That made me think maybe this one thing about a person shouldn't stop them from being a Sunday school teacher or other leader in the church?
I came to my own opinion, that if being gay is a sin (which I'm not sure of) and lying is also a sin, breaking the Sabbath is a sin, then why should one sin be pointed out more than others? Seems like we're all headed straight to Hell if we don't change our ways when you pull the judgement card. Which reminds me of Matthew 7. "Judge not lest ye will be judged" and "how can you remove the sawdust from your neighbor's eye while you have a plank in your own eye?" Perhaps we just drop it?
My mom said we were seeing the exact same argument and opposition she faced as a female pastor before I was born.
It became tricky. My thoughts changed a little at General Assembly hearing it as a social justice issue and thinking of it as a group of people who have been shunned by many groups, clubs, parts of society and even the churches. I
wrote about a sermon by Annanda Barclay with More Light Presbyterians. She said she was more scared to be an openly queer woman in a white crowd than in a black crowd. She is black. That showed me this conversation DRASTICALLY impacts someone else's life WAY MORE than it impacts mine in ways I honestly don't understand. I'm a sheltered old-fashioned white heterosexual male from Appalachia and I really don't have a clue about the LGBTQ community. In fact maybe I shouldn't even vote on the issue and leave that voice up to those it effects unless I have true compassion and learn the struggles of that lifestyle. Coming to that conclusion was a big moment of growth in my life.
Starting in January until last Sunday, Second Presbyterian had a Sunday school series on "Marriage, the Bible, and the Presbyterian Church." Church members explored the topic with the bible in hand in the weeks approaching the vote. YOU can call the church office for copies of the DVD recording of all seven weeks if you'd like. 501-227-0000
The two-part lecture from Hendrix College Professor Dr. Bobby Williamson really set me straight. Bobby presented that the bible can support marriage only between a man and a woman, you might even go as far as to say having children is the only purpose of marriage. BUT it may also be showing that a marriage is a kinship unit in which to witness the word of God, not limited to just one man and one woman. Perhaps like Ruth and Naomi who were no longer bound by marriage law, but Ruth stayed with Naomi because of kinship and God still worked. For one thing it showed me anyone can quote the bible till the cows come home to make a point on either side. In that case we must deeply rely on the discernment of the holy spirit. As a good educated Presbyterian I can't say I'm right I don't know
do know I have my own sins, my own passionate desires, and lustful thoughts that sometimes probably wouldn't be much less "evil" things that in our judgmental state we associate with "them" to say "they" are sinful and wrong and we shouldn't encourage "them". As a church I think we should always be keeping ourselves in check. Are our thoughts and actions pointing toward Christ like they should be? We should call each other out when we see a brother or sister sin, but we must not condemn. We will be judged by God. Each one of us every day needs to make a damn hard effort to put God first before our desires, wants and even our needs. Community--a church community helps us support each other in this righteousness. And as a Church community (capital C) Global Church (not just Presbys) WE ALL have a better job to do on welcoming others into our quest for righteousness.
If this amendment passes or not I would like to see more of my brothers in Christ gay, straight, black, Latino, Appalachian...., showing more love to our LGBTQ brothers and sisters. Is it right? is it wrong? I don't know? I know I am asked to love and welcome everyone and stand up for and reach out to those who need help. After all this experience I now begin with compassion--as old fashioned and "Christian" as it gets.